The Church is a window to heaven.

Who We Are


We are a community of…

  • broken people finding restoration,

  • rebellious sinners finding forgiveness,

  • spent souls finding refreshment, and

  • scattered minds finding focus

…in God’s love for us.

What we do

We worship God together and give witness to His love for us in Jesus.

Where we’re going

We are built up together in the love of God which propels us to love one another, our neighbor, and community.


How we do it


We provide truthful and heart-affecting preaching and teaching of God’s Word.


We administer the sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.


We pray that God’s gospel power would be unleashed in us and in the world.

Our Name

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What’s the significance of the name? The King’s Cross name underscores two themes central to the Bible: the kingdom of God and the shocking way which King Jesus acquired his Kingdom, the cross. King Jesus’s death upon the cross flips the economy of the world (bent on power and might) on its head.

And there’s an important implication: The King who bears a cross for his people calls us to follow in his footsteps by taking up our crosses and offering our lives as “living sacrifices” to the King. The King’s cross is foolishness to the world, but to us who believe it’s the power and wisdom of God.

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Our Roots

King’s Cross Church is rooted in historic, orthodox Christianity based upon the teachings of Holy Scripture (both the Old and New Testaments). Our faith is succinctly stated in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds (both of which we often recite together as a part of worship).

We also belong to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA is a denomination in the Reformed tradition whose beliefs are summarized in the Westminster Standards.

Our Pastor 

Casey is perennially dumbfounded by God’s patience, love, and gentleness toward him in Christ. It’s his desire to explore the shock and scandal of God’s love toward sinners and watch the power of the gospel wreak havoc on sin and the patterns of this world. He sees it as his mission to help others frame up life in light of the realities of Jesus’s sacred invasion on earth. 

He married his wife, Sarah, in 2002 and they have three children. Casey enjoys watching movies, playing games, and the rare opportunity to travel, all with his family. 

To learn more about Casey, visit his personal page:

Our Session 

King’s Cross Church is led by its elders. As our Book of Church Order states: The elders jointly have the government and spiritual oversight of the Church.

This role of leadership is often described in the Bible as shepherding the flock. King’s Cross likes to think of the elder role as “under-shepherd” of the Good Shepherd, Christ (John 10:1-18). As Timothy Witmer puts it: Shepherds are charged with knowing the sheep, feeding the sheep, leading the sheep, and protecting the sheep. This fourfold task captures nicely what the elders at King’s Cross aim to do.

Our ruling elders (REs) are (from left): Chris Hoyle, Jeff Hannam, Mike Dodson, Tony Capucille, and Clay Collum.